Tuesday, August 31, 2010

EOC Week 6: Exercise

The store that I went to was Louis Vuitton, which is one of my favorite brands. Louis Vuitton always has interesting window displays, and a simple floor set up. A lot of the bags that are sold are not out in the open. This helps make the brand feel more exclusive, and also makes customer service very high. The displays feature a lot of wood and glass that add on to the high-end feel of the brand and of its stores. Since tings are laid out and not cramped you know that you are in a high-end store. Unlike those discount stores that are packed to the brim with little to no customer service. Also the sales associates wear all black and look very sleek. You can also tell that the store puts a lot of attention to detail in the displays. Doing little things like making sure that the bags that are out are perfectly lined up at all times. They take a lot pride then lower end stores and we expect them to since their products are high end. Also we expect that the associates have more knowledge about the products that they feature. All though the store is very nice sometimes it can be a little intimidating to walk in to the store. You feel the associates making judgments if you are able to afford to shop or if you are just window-shopping. They are able to spot who is serious and who is not a lot easier then other stores. I have also had the problem of not getting a lot of customer service when asking to look at certain products. Due to this there are certain stores I will not go in since they have not helped me when thinking of what I want to save up for.

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